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City Of Ely Netball Team


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City of Ely Establishes a New Adult City of Ely Team 3

Donna Clark

The club has been delighted over the summer of 2023 to have welcomed a number of new members which has now allowed for the development of a third team at City of Ely.

Trials over July and August this summer have now established City of Ely Team 3 which boasts lots of new and exciting talent. Rachel Axten-Higgs and Emily Badcock have been nominated Captain and Vice Captain of the new team.

Team 3 will take part in the CDNL Division 5 league. The club is very excited for the development of this new squad over the 2023/24 netball season.

Thank you to our sponsor Paul Barrow

Donna Clark

Local Builder Supports Young Women in Sport

Over a year ago COVID restrictions forced City of Ely Netball Club to shut down their popular Junior section, but now a small group of dedicated volunteer coaches have built a strong membership of 30 players, fielding 3 teams in the Cambridge District Netball League.

Club Spokesperson Donna Clark said: “It was important to us as a club to give access to sport for young women in this community, both for their physical and mental health. But with the costs of living rising, we were concerned about the affordability of new kit, so we have been absolutely blown away by the generosity of Paul Barrow.”

Paul Barrow, a local builder, has kindly sponsored kit for 30 junior players. Club coach Helen Scotto Di Marrazzo is so grateful: "Having new smart matching kit has helped unify the teams and given them more confidence on court.” 

The junior club is now currently full for this season, however they will offer open netball training sessions from April 2023 for potential new players in Year 7 or above. Watch out for notifications on the website or facebook page.

Photo credit to

Club Coach wins Felice Papworth Award

Donna Clark

Cambridgeshire County Netball Association has awarded Olivia Petherick a prestigious award in memory of Felice Papworth and all that she did to promote and encourage netball in this county. “It is designed to recognise any player, coach, umpire, or team that has done something which has had a positive impact on the game at a personal, team or club level.”

Nominated by City of Ely Netball Club Members, Olivia is an inspirational coach to both junior and adults, umpiring at C level, mentoring, encouraging, and bringing positive energy to county netball for over 11 years. “Her passion and enthusiasm motivates us all to do our best on court…we are delighted that her commitment has been recognised by this award”