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Kings school
United Kingdom

City Of Ely Netball Team


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Junior Team Selection 2022/23

Donna Clark

Exciting News! The team selection session is confirmed for Thursday 7th July 6pm-7:15pm at Witchford Village College. Those in current year 7-10 (years 8-11 from September) are invited to come along to this session which will decide teams for the 2022-23 season.

We welcome you to come along to our team selection night - if you wish to do so, please email to register your daughter's name, DOB, and current school year.

Members need to be able to be able to commit to attending training sessions on Thursdays at 6:15pm-7:15pm at Witchford Village College and also be available to play matches on Sunday afternoons in Cambridge.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to offer places to everyone who comes along to this session as there is a high demand for junior Netball teams in this area. Places will be offered based on observation of match play, engagement, positive attitude, potential and willingness to learn. Anyone who is unsuccessful on this occasion will be added to our mailing list and kept informed of future opportunities.

Open play session - Thursday 30th June

Just a reminder that we have one more open match play session on Thursday 30th June at 6:15pm-7:15pm. As with the other sessions you do not need to let us know you are coming, just turn up ready to play and bring along a friend/s if you wish. We would like to offer this final session as a mixed session, so it is open to both boys and girls to play.

Junior Netball Training is back!

Donna Clark

The wait is finally over for all of those who have been in contact with us since the club returned to court.

We are excited to announce that we will be holding an Open Team Selection Session for girls above year 8 on Thursday 9th September at Witchford College, 6.15-7.15pm. Please email to register with your name, DOB, which school you attend and your responsible adult contact details.

The club is delighted to offer training from some of our inspirational ex-Junior players and our experienced senior coaches to build a confident and committed under 14s and under 16s team.

Get back on court and have some fun!

Return to modified netball

Donna Clark

The club have returned to training at Witchford College on Thursday nights, 8-9pm.

With our COVID officer, Paula Edwards, accredited by Sport England, the new modifications have been well received and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces again. The fitness training awakened our competitive spirit and the addition of mature juniors, brought a positive energy and confidence on court.

Following England Netball guidance we plan to enter a team into a friendly league with CDNL and await details of a schedule.
