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City Of Ely Netball Team


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Junior Expansion September 2015

Kyla Grimshaw

City of Ely Junior Netball has grown.  This season the club has capacity for thirty players, aged 11 – 16 years old.

From an idea that was kindled in 2011, the first twenty junior players joined in September 2012.  Some of those original players now attend adult training.  Three attended adult club trials and will be playing their netball in Squad 1. 

This is the fourth season junior players have been part of the club and competition for both U14 and U16’s is already underway.  Squads took part in the County Junior Tournament at the weekend facing some strong competition.

The Junior expansion has been supported by Greys of Ely who have donated £50 towards additional kit.  They have also provided an emery board for each player to keep their nails short and smooth as required by the England Netball rules!

To find out more about the netball club (adults and juniors) take a look at