New balls from Benecos
Kyla Grimshaw
Many thanks to Benecos for our new balls!
Use the form on the right to contact us.
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Many thanks to Benecos for our new balls!
We finished the season with a picnic and presentation ceremony. The Squad 1 Player of the Season as chosen by the players was Sarah McLaughlin, and the captain's choice was Kim Nurse. For Squad 2, Player of the Season was Sarah Smith, and the captain's choice was Liv Lawrence.
Our Junior section had a professional photographer come to training a couple of months back and, as promised, these photos and the corresponding news article were published in the Cambridge News on Saturday 13th February!
For those of you interested, you can find the article via this link:
Junior members - if you would like to buy any of the photos taken on this evening, please follow the link below and click 'Buy a Photo' on the top line of the Sports home page.
Last Thursday we put on our ears for Children in Need!
At training on Thursday, the Juniors and Adults took part in match play for the evening and raised a WHOPPING £95 for the charity.
A busy week for the club this week with 4 of our 5 teams taking to the courts. The Development squad will be making their season debut with the first Katie Coulson match of the year! Good luck to everyone playing this week!