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City Of Ely Netball Team


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Squad 2 January match report

Kyla Grimshaw

There are only 3 matches to play in CDNL Division 1 and Squad 2 lie in fifth position, one point below fourth and just two points below equal joint second/third place.  It could not be tighter!

The Squad has delighted in coming out on top in two big recent matches.  They beat top of the Division Hawks 1, 33-30 and then the following weekend beat CoJags 3, 41-38.

They are still to face Histon, Cherries and Milton again before the end of the season in March.

Play-Offs are 25th March at Impington

Squad 2 welcomes Sophia Free and Kate Bryan to their numbers following recent retrials.

They bid a fond farewell to Emma Peacock who joins Squad 1 in Premier.

Back row, from the left: Sue, Helen, Hannah, Sarah, Olivia (Captain) Rebecca, Daisy, Kate. Front row: Emma.

Back row, from the left: Sue, Helen, Hannah, Sarah, Olivia (Captain) Rebecca, Daisy, Kate. Front row: Emma.

Katie Colson Cup report

Kyla Grimshaw

A strong start in this midweek friendly league has seen City of Ely win their first two KCC matches, 31-25 v Warboys Witches in December and 23-15 v MI7 on an absolutely freezing evening in January. The team is managed by Helen and is made up of a mixture of rising Year 11’s and any adult players available for the fixtures which are organised as and when, home or away venues to suit.  A special shout goes to Amy W. our Goal Keeper Junior who played an awesome match in her debut!

The team will play a total of 9 matches, then if we finish in the top two placings we will compete in a grand final at the AGM Tournament on 6th May at Milton (…fingers crossed!)


From the left: Left-right=Emma, Olivia, Amy, Helen, Beckie, Sue, Rebecca, Hannah

From the left: Left-right=Emma, Olivia, Amy, Helen, Beckie, Sue, Rebecca, Hannah

Penny for the guy?

Kyla Grimshaw

The Juniors made a Guy Fawkes which was taken to the Ely XT Fireworks Display on 12 November. Big thanks to the girls who decorated the Guy so wonderfully!