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City Of Ely Netball Team


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End of season report

Kyla Grimshaw

Team 2

It has been another strong year for Team 2, finishing 6th in Division 1 and safely out of the play-off zone.  We had a strong start to the season, with many matches won or nearly won.  The team constantly worked for each other and built on what we had practised at training.  Having Coach Sue at a match really helped us and pushed us on to win, in what had been an extremely tough match.  Highlight of the season was beating Hawks, who up to that point had not lost a game.  It has been brilliant to be able to develop all the players we have and support Team 1.  At Christmas Emma P left us to fill a spot of Team 1, which was thoroughly deserved.  She had been one of the longest standing members of the team, captaining and vice captaining it. This year Daisy joined us from juniors and she proved to be an excellent asset, as did Amy who stepped in for some matches too. Sally joined us this year and proved incredibly impacting on centre court, she quickly adapted to Division 1 standard and now leaves us to find a new club up North.  As always I am hugely grateful to my team and all the players who support it.

Captains player this season was Hannah, whose steady nerves and calm attitude, meant that she was a huge asset as an attacker. 

Players player was Sue, whose calm attitude and excellent shooting and work with Sarah, ensured many wins this season.


Team 1

Team 1 had a great start to the 2016/17 season winning 6 of their first 8 matches. This safely placed us in the top half of the table when the league split. Everyone worked hard throughout the season to improve on results in previous years with the highlights being a two goal win over Royston and a 7 goal win over Comberton. We were able to make use of our strong squad of 10 during these very close matches which gave us the edge over our opposition. 

Kyla, Sam and Emma P were all new to team 1 this season and they were all a huge asset to the team throughout the court. We also welcomed Kate back after a few games which gave us great strength in defence. Despite us having a lot of new players everyone worked really hard to make new combinations work and we really gelled as a team. Sadly we lose our three youngest players, Sarah, Laura and Juliet, at the end of the season as they will be heading to uni. All three of them have had a great impact on Team 1 in the last 2 years and they have all shown huge improvements on court and will be greatly missed. We wish them all good luck at uni and hope to see them back on court whenever they are home.

Team 1 had a tough end to the season playing the top teams but finished on a win to secure 4th place in the table which is a great result. Special mention must go to our fantastic defensive unit which let in the least amount of goals in the whole league (and not for the first time). It has been a pleasure to captain team 1 this year and I hope for more success in the coming season. Thank you to Emma A for her help as vice captain, to team 2 who were always able to help us out if we were struggling for players and to Sue and Liv for their umpiring.

Captains player this season went to Kyla who was 100% committed to training and matches, had a great attitude throughout and improved game after game.  

Players players was a draw this year between Kate and Kim. Kate showed consistent strength in defence always putting pressure on the opposition and helping bring the ball down the court.  Kim’s consistent shooting and movement around the circle ensured the goals kept going in to secure our place in the top half of the table.

Junior Presentation

Kyla Grimshaw

The Club celebrated the Juniors End of Season on the evening of July 6th at the bandstand Jubilee Gardens, Ely.

Thirteen players and their families came together to see certificates and trophies awarded.

Special congratulations to:

U14 Team Player                                            Ella

U16 Team Player                                            Anna

Players’ Player                                                Mia

Katie Colson Cup Captain’s Choice               Amy (U16)

Hannah has now stepped down as Club Safeguarding Officer in time for the arrival of her new baby and was presented with a bib in club colours and a soft toy Wonder Woman!

Everyone showed their appreciation to Sue for all her hard work in running the Junior Netball Club.

Katie Colson Cup February 2017 Results

Kyla Grimshaw

The Katie Colson Cup match v Haddenham ended in a 30 all draw for the mixed adult/rising Juniors Squad managed by Helen. Having been behind by 11 goals at half time, City was delighted with their fight back on a very challenging surface! U18’s Amy and Daisy played in the team’s defence, linking well with Team 2 players Becky, Helen and Sue. Premier players Sam and Emma played out of position as required by the rules of the Cup. Our umpire was Livvy.

It was a successful jaunt down to Milton at the end of February to play Cambourne. City won 34 goals to 29, holding their nerve in the last quarter to keep the opposition 5 goals away. U18 Amy was paired with Christina this time and showed great maturity. Emma again scored her fair share of goals at GA and gave priceless encouragement to everyone down court.

Squad 1 wrap up of the first half of the seaso

Kyla Grimshaw

Squad 1 finished the first half of the season in 4th position in the league and in excellent form, having won nine out of their thirteen matches. In the second half of the season the division splits in two, and Squad 1 will taken on the top six teams once more. Onwards and upwards!